Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Portraits and self-portraits - start looking


I like this picture because when i was little my mom use to make me to to them classes and i was soo little and i didnt like it but now dance is my passion and i love it !

professional portrait

I think what makes this photo good is that how is she poising,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

  1. Okay well first they cover mostly everything that she had like her moles and then when they took some pictures of her she looked kinda ugly and what they did is that they edited the picture and lift up her head and cover some other things and then they fix some of her hair. In the computer they made her eyes bigger and her face to  look soft and nice
  2. I don't think its right to change the way that model looks like but that's what models do right? and the people wants to see whats real or not   
  3.  They said that the photos was so unaltered but it might be ethically different and wrong to do this. Ohh well her mole she probably don't like them she maybe thinks that she has a lot. They fix her up.
  4. I think that Fashion photography is when they hired a model has to model some outfits accessories shoes home things anything  that is a brand and they want people to buy it.
  5. Well i like the rule of thirds

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Negatives Evaluation

  1. Maybe like around 3 or soo
  2. I think like about well Mmmmm most of them came out dark and black-ish, Okay well at first they were great but i screw everything up because when we went back in the dark room i clicked that peeping button two times and when i notice that i was only suppose to do it once i felt horrible i did it wrong, now there all ugly and dark eh :/
  3. I think my 5th picture will turn out all right but i am not sure yet. But then again i think it will turn out okay because at the beginning i did a good job.
  4.  The technical aspects in my photo are, focus, and exposure.The photo was very good and clear
  5.  I think the one i will go for is rule or thirds because i see it in most of pictures

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Photo Manipulation and ethics

A.The story was giving some Ex.. of some photographers that go too far off when using the photo manipulation and that can mess everything up like the photo. The thing about Aprils fool that  you have to lie to people and you have to prank them its pretty fun and enjoying but some people take it from the heart. I saw that one of the photographers you know decided to do a copy of a person in this one picture. That photographer was later on fired for that. Because he was scaring the people so yeah. Some of the main stories message is telling that photographers to be cautious with all the editing and all the manipulating with photos will be in public later on. This was one of the offense at most U.S daily bases newspaper.

B. I think it is acceptable to have photo manipulation and to change certain things in the picture well i think its kinda creative, and make it to something sooooo different its cool but then again its not cool if its a bad prank.

Drug Cartels in Mexico

Witness to violence: A photographer's journey below the border 

What i think about the topic is that it sounds kinda harsh because what i heard  that happens in the border is kinda sad when they want to cross the border they end up doing all these crazy things to get to the other side and if they cant  they have to walk all the way back were they came from, Some even die or get hurt but yeah i know more but its too much to say.

My favorite picture was when there was well it looked like the dad and the three little brothers or cousins along with him and they looked sad and disseminated but the grandfather and the son died and yeah they looked pretty upset.But its my favorite picture because you can actually feel what they are feeling inside you know. but its pretty sad that there's a lot of people getting murder every year

Monday, November 15, 2010

Making a black and white print

• Light tight film-processing tank that accepts the size of
film you plan to process
• Several quart jars or bottles (glass, stainless steel, or
plastic) for processing solutions
• Stirring paddle to mix solutions
• Soft viscose sponge
• Darkroom timer or a clock with a sweep-second hand
• Scissors
• Protective gloves to prevent skin contact with chemicals
• Spring-type clothespins for hanging processed film to
To make prints, you’ll need this equipment:
• Printing frame or enlarger
• 8 x 10-inch piece of heavy cardboard
• Four photographic processing trays a little larger than
the largest prints you plan to make (or shallow pans or
dishes made of glass, plastic, china, or stainless steel)
• Print squeegee or soft viscose sponge
You use a photo sensitive paper that has the image projected on it from an enlarger.  If there was anything other than red light the paper would simply turn black. This enlarger shines light through the film and produces the image on the paper. But yeah theres more too it.

Adjusting the enlarger

  1. Put the negative into the negative carrier, emulsion side up.
  2. Turn the lamp on, and raise or lower the enlarger head so that the projection covers the paper.
  3. Adjust the enlarger focus knob so the project appears to be in focus.
  4. Turn the lamp off - for most enlargers this is true, there are some enlargers however where you leave the lamp on, and close a shutter.
  5. Remove the paper used for focusing, from the easel.
1.)Emulsion-A suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not mix: an emulsion of oil in vinegar.
2.)Aperture-is a hole or an opening through which light travels
3.) Masking easel-A big, square model with masking blades, interchangeable blade widths
4.)Exposure-the act of presenting a photosensitive surface to rays of light.
5.)Safe light-A darkroom light with a filter that transmits only those rays of the spectrum to which films, printing paper, etc., are not sensitive.
6.) Dodging-Also, hold back. Photography . (in printing) to shade (an area of a print) from exposure for a period, while exposing the remainder of the print in order to lighten or eliminate the area
7.) Burning-the state, process, sensation, or effect of being on fire, burned, or subjected to intense heat

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Post shoot reflection

  1. Some Problems that encountered is when some people were fooling around and i couldn't take the picture but i just wanted to take a picture of some one not even looking at me and doing there work
  2. I was really into making the focus mare clearly for a nice good looking picture can come out.
  3. I tried to use the rule of thirds 
  4. I was trying to do my best at taking a good photo and learning more about it


processing of black and white photos

The materials that were going to need are:
  • your film
  • scissors
  • a beer opener
  • a changing bag
  • ­stop watch
  • stainless steel reels
  • stainless steel processing tank + lid + cap
  • thermometer
  • a container or 2 with liquid measurements on the side
  • a stir stick
  •  empty container for left over chemicals
And the chemicals that were going  to use are:
  • developer
  • fixer
  • photo flo
My summary
Well i think to process the black and white photos is the first thing your going to do is put the rolls in a black bag and then your going to pop the lids of the rolls open and something else about putting them in water and some other chemicals and after that when you think its ready to take out your going to have to get them out of this can or what ever you put the rolls in the chemicals but yeah like i was saying your going to have to get them out and let them get dried you know and then if you look at them closely you'll see the little pictures in the rolls. And im not well to know enough about processing black and white photos but i can kinda understand parts of it so far.
Equipment necessary to process film

Chemicals necessary to process film

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Show and tell

 Fall Contest
I really like this photo because it is so beautiful to see two animals
 in love I think its romantic.
pretty looking heart and its so cute how they are together