Friday, November 19, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

  1. Okay well first they cover mostly everything that she had like her moles and then when they took some pictures of her she looked kinda ugly and what they did is that they edited the picture and lift up her head and cover some other things and then they fix some of her hair. In the computer they made her eyes bigger and her face to  look soft and nice
  2. I don't think its right to change the way that model looks like but that's what models do right? and the people wants to see whats real or not   
  3.  They said that the photos was so unaltered but it might be ethically different and wrong to do this. Ohh well her mole she probably don't like them she maybe thinks that she has a lot. They fix her up.
  4. I think that Fashion photography is when they hired a model has to model some outfits accessories shoes home things anything  that is a brand and they want people to buy it.
  5. Well i like the rule of thirds

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