Friday, April 1, 2011

Basic News Writting

1.) Story
Who?Austin school district has invited parents and employees to listened to administrators lay out the preliminary 2011-12 budget
What? Austing district holds community budger forum tonight. the district is getting shortoff on money, and many employees are loosing there jobs.
When?March 30, wednesday 2011 they had ameeting about whats happening about the school district.
Where?April 11 @6:30 p.m. at Bowie High School, 4103 W. Slaughter Lane , in Southwest Austin.
Why? To talk about more information, and to ask questions and they will answer
How? To help them and they will help us
2.) Story
Who? baseball player Randy Velarde
What?He was encansing drups

When?Everytime he meet up with his friend
Where?around parking lots for some other kinds of places
Why?To be good at what he does and to have energy
How?It gives him enough energy to play his game
3.) Story
Who? The people from Japan,
What? They are trying to save  the people from Japan and make sure they area healty, and not harmed.
When?This happen march 11 2011 and This is still going there are helping them to gather there things and find a save place that they can stay for the mean time

Where? All over Japan.
Why? Of the radiation and off all the damage that is done in Japan theres really nothing there
How? Because of the tsunamy, that had happen, and i feel sad about this because this was really big and theres still alot of people that are missing and there family dont know if there alive or worse dead...

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